First image above: Cover design for 1954 British Arts Council publication.
Second image: Romanian matchbox label, undated, but would guess late '50s.
:: Via Jane McDevitt's photostream.

:: Matchbook cover for Huddle Restaurant from Jericl Cat's photostream.

Langston Hughs' First Book of Jazz from 1955. This is actually the third book in a series of five books that Langston Hughes (1902-1967) wrote for the Franklin Watts First Books series. This was designed by Cliff Roberts (1929-1999) who was a cartoonist and animator. His cartoons appeared in magazines such as The New Yorker and Playboy. He worked as an animator on Sesame Street, and wrote and drew the short-lived Sesame Street newspaper comic strip. Ariel Winter has lots more to say about Langston's book series on his wonderful blogsite We Too Were Children, Mr. Barrie. And read more about the brilliant artwork of Cliff Roberts there too.
:: From Ariel Winter's photostream.
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